CBW Staffing Solutions
CBW Staffing Solutions
£30000 - £35000 per annum
Project Administrator - Holborn, London – £30k to £35k per annum CBW has an exciting opportunity to work for a FM service provider situated in Holborn, London. The successful candidate will be able to consistently communicate effectively, in an appropriate manner. Ensuring reports are completed on time and to a suitable standard. To aid through good communication, positive working relationships, both internally and externally. Hours of Work / Details: Monday to Friday 08:00am to 17:00pm Office based Key Duties & Responsibilities: Take calls Keep track of budget and project expenditures Help set up project meetings Handle the minute taking at meetings Organise venues Assist with planning Keep the project calendar up to date Administrative duties Track projects Offer suggestions to improve efficiencies Maintain compliance regulations Assess employee performance Hire contractors Provide project based support to the director and project management Interviewing clients Preparing proposals Requirements: Experienced user of Microsoft Office software including Word and Excel, and working knowledge of databases and reporting. Experience of reporting and dealing with large amounts of data. Experience of working in a Customer Service environment. The ability to work in a fast-paced environment with an exceptional work ethic and individual accountability as a prerequisite. Strong and effective communication skills Has a positive upbeat attitude towards work. Self-motivated and capable of working without fully documented procedures. Please send your CV to Paige at CBW Staffing Solutions if you are interested or for more information.
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A few reminders:
- Never, ever pay anything to apply for a job. Companies should be the one paying, not you
- Never agree to buy equipment in order to start a job - this includes buying a laptop, work from home equipment
- Never agree to pay for mandatory training to onboard for a new position (even if they say that they will reimburse you for later)
- If the recruiter sends you an email from a domain that is different from the company website, ask them to communicate with you via email belonging to the company. Stay away from Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo or domain that looks close to the company they are portraying
- Don’t give personal information during the application process - social security number, bank account, home address, date of birth - this could be used to target you through a social engineering attack later on
- Don’t complete a project for free. Many companies might ask you to get through a test, that’s one thing. But less scrupulous companies will actually ask you to deliver a project for free