Category: External Contributors

Jan 19
Gender and communication: Are we really that different?

This article is part of a series giving practical tips to build a successful career.…

Jan 04
2020 trends: the future of female founders

This week in EVE voices, we are sharing a summary of insights published recently by…

Dec 20
Gender Equality: How companies can better support women

This week, #EVE Voices’ leadership expert, Patrycja Riera highlights the…

Dec 11
Women in financial services: Accelerating change together

This week, EVE VOICES highlights the research findings of the ACT Research programme,…

Dec 04
Thirteen Ways Leaders Exercise Ethical Leadership

This week, EVE Voices guest contributor explores how integrity of values and actions…

Nov 27
Female entrepreneurship: The untapped potential of women led funds

This article is part of a series on Female entrepreneurship. This week, our guest…

Nov 20
Women in COVID 19: positive work trends that are here to stay

By Patrycja Riera, CEO, Inclusionem In the past few months, every article or report I…

Nov 13
Sexual harassment at work and settlement agreements

This article is part of a new series discussing how to navigate difficult situations…

Oct 20
Boys and girls: A gen Z call to gender equality

This week, we asked the new generation to give us their views on what needs to be…

Oct 13
Career growth: should I leverage my relationships?

This week, following up on habits that stop women from getting to the top, Patrycja…